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  • Tayeb-Fligelman, E. †, Tabachnikov, O. †, Moshe, A. †, Goldshmidt-Tran, O., Sawaya, M.R., Coquelle, N., Colletier, J.P. and Landau, M., 2017.
    The cytotoxic Staphylococcus aureus PSMα3 reveals a cross-α amyloid-like fibril. 
    Science, 355(6327), pp.831-833.

    †These authors contributed equally to this work

  • Salinas, N., Colletier, J.P., Moshe, A. and Landau, M., 2018.
    Extreme amyloid polymorphism in Staphylococcus aureus virulent PSMα peptides. 
    Nature communications, 9(1), pp.1-9.


  • Moshe, A. and Pupko, T., 2019.
    Ancestral sequence reconstruction: accounting for structural information by averaging over replacement matrices. 
    Bioinformatics, 35(15), pp.2562-2568.


  • Moshe, A., Landau, M. and Eisenberg, D., 2016.
    Preparation of crystalline samples of amyloid fibrils and oligomers.
    In Protein amyloid aggregation (pp. 201-210). Humana Press, New York, NY.

Journal Publications

- Albert Einstein -

“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.”


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